Anxiety and the Importance of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Posted on July 22, 2012
Increase the amount of serotonin in your brain by eating a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids! By simply eating more fish, or taking an omega-3 supplement, you are likely to experience some relief from your emetophobia symptoms. Read the following article, written by Dr. Barry Sears, to learn more!
New Stress Relief Application for iPhone
Posted on July 22, 2012
The launch of a new iPhone app may provide some help for individuals who are constantly struggling with stress and anxiety. The app is called Stress Release Hypnosis 1.0 and was designed by a hypnotherapist in Denver, Colorado. The app is FREE and is available through the iTunes store.
Stress Reduction Therapy: Hidden Benefit for Patients with MS
Posted on July 22, 2012
If you or someone you know has multiple sclerosis, you will want to read the results of a study funded by the National Institute of Health. The research study found that patients with multiple sclerosis were less likely to develop new brain lesions if they were undergoing stress reduction therapy.
Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Contribute to Anxiety
Posted on July 22, 2012
In recent years, vitamin and mineral deficiencies have become extremely common, while at the same time rates of depression and anxiety disorders continue to be on the rise. Learn which deficiencies can result in an increase of stress and anxiety symptoms, and how you can ensure that you are receiving adequate amounts of each of these essential vitamins and minerals.
Gardening for Relief of Stress and Anxiety
Posted on July 22, 2012
Always dreamed of having a beautiful flower garden or a yard full of produce ready to harvest? Gardening provides tremendous health benefits including a stronger immune system and reduction in symptoms of stress and anxiety. Gardening does not need to be an all or nothing venture; learn how to begin reaping the benefits of this amazingly therapeutic activity.
Drinking Tea to Relieve Nausea and Anxiety
Posted on July 12, 2012
Drinking the right tea can provide you with innumerable health benefits, as well as provide some relief from anxiety and nausea (whether the nausea is anxiety related or not). Let this delicious addition to your routine provide you with a bit of comfort as you continue on your road to living free from the struggles of emetophobia.
A Naturopathic Physician Shares Tips for Combating Anxiety
Posted on July 10, 2012
Would you like to find a few methods that can help lower your anxiety without the use of prescription medication? Although prescription drugs can be extremely helpful and are certainly necessary for some, their side effects can be serious. Read the expert opinion of a naturopath from the teaching clinic of Bastyr University, and see if some of his suggested methods feel right for you.
The Many Different Faces of Emetophobia
Posted on July 10, 2012
Emetophobia is a disorder so little known that it can be hard to imagine others struggling with it. Who do you think is affected by the condition? Older people? Younger people? You probably wouldn't imagine a pageant finalist as a person with Emetophobia. Read about an emetophobic woman who nearly became Miss Wales in 2008.