Are Most People Afraid of Becoming Depressed?
Posted on July 22, 2012
Many people experience depression at some point in life, especially those who have a preexisting condition like Emetophobia. However, it may surprise you to know how many people actually expect to become depressed at some point. A survey by the World Psychiatry Association reveals some interesting information about the way people think of depression and how they think they should deal with it. Read more about the results of the poll here.
Dr. Oz Gives Advice on Treating Panic Attacks
Posted on July 22, 2012
Living with Emetophobia or any deep-seated fear can make you more likely to experience a panic attack. Anyone who has had a panic attack knows how disturbing it is. A panic attack can make you feel like you may be close to death. In reality, panic attacks only seem to be dangerous and are quite harmless. Two well-known doctors respond to a person who asks how best to deal with panic attacks.
Using Magnetic Stimulation to Treat Depression
Posted on July 22, 2012
Because emetophobia has such negative effects on quality of life, it can lead to depression. When considering treatment for depression, the idea of shock therapy can be scary. Medications may also seem like a risky option to some people, especially to emetophobics. But severe depression can resist various kinds of treatment, so overcoming it is made even more difficult. An interesting new treatment for depression, called rTMS, is gaining popularity. To learn information about rTMS, read more here.
Marijuana: Not the Cure-All It’s Claimed to Be
Posted on July 22, 2012
Advocates of making marijuana legal argue that the drug has a number of health benefits. You may have heard that it can be used to relieve anxiety, depression, and migraines. New research from the University of Arizona responds to these rumors. Find out what the results from the university are showing.
Video: Stanford Professor Explains the Dangers of Depression
Posted on July 22, 2012
Is Depression "the worst disease you can get?" One professor at Stanford University believes exactly that! With rising rates of Emetophobia and accompanying depression in so many areas of the world, it's crucial that we find effective ways to treat both mental health issues. Listen to what a successful scientist and instructor has to say about depression and its insidious nature.
Video: Identifying Various Forms of Anxiety Disorders
Posted on July 22, 2012
If you have Emetophobia, you probably know that it's a type of anxiety disorder. But do you know how many kinds of anxiety disorders there are? The answer to this question and many more can be learned from watching a short video about anxiety disorders in America. Find out more about the basics of severe anxiety including its prevalence, its cause, its effects and more.
The Importance of a Multivitamin for Emetophobics
Posted on July 22, 2012
If emetophobia keeps you from eating properly, it is a good idea to take a multivitamin to help fill in the gaps when it comes to your nutritional intake. High-quality, food-based multivitamins provide high levels of vitamin B (which is especially helpful for individuals who are prone to anxiety).
Side Effects of Anti-Anxiety Medication
Posted on July 22, 2012
Learn about a few of the common side effects that can go along with some of the more popular anti-anxiety medications on the market that may be used for treating emetophobia. Although not everyone who takes prescription medication experiences side effects, it is important to weigh the risks and benefits of any medication that you are considering.