Marijuana: Not the Cure-All It’s Claimed to Be

Marijuana has been claimed to help with every illness from glaucoma to stomach pain. Some people even say it can ease the effects of anxiety conditions like emetophobia and cure depression.

New research from Arizona refutes this particular argument. A study on the effects of using marijuana has shown that the drug is not helpful in treating anxiety disorders, depression, or even migraines. These new findings may make it more difficult for people in Arizona to get a prescription for medical marijuana. Read more about the research and how it may affect efforts to legalize marijuana.

Ariz. researchers: Pot not effective in treating PTSD, anxiety, migraines … – East Valley Tribune

Arizona Capitol TimesAriz. researchers: Pot not effective in treating PTSD, anxiety, migraines …East Valley TribuneResearchers at the University of Arizona report they’ve found precious little credible research that shows marijuana is effective in …