Sneaky Tips for Killing off Sneaky Household Germs
Posted on April 2, 2013
The thought of germs lurking in sneaky areas can fuel vomit fears to the hilt. You need not sit idly by, however, when you can check out our equally sneaky tips for keeping lurking germs at bay.
How Mindfulness Can Help Your Emetophobia and How to Start Today
Posted on March 6, 2013
Stress can feed anxiety which, in turn, sets down a whole smorgasbord for your emetophobia. You can reduce all of the above with this thing called mindfulness. And you can even start practicing it today!
The Emetophobics Guide to Breathing Your Way Through Anxiety
Posted on February 27, 2013
You breathe in and out dozens of times each day without even thinking about it. If you did stop to think about it, however, you may find you engage in poor breathing habits that can worsen your anxiety levels and emetophobia. Check out how to breathe your way through anxiety that can instead help alleviate your vomit fears.
The Emetophobics Guide to the Truth About Germs and Viruses, Part Two of Two
Posted on February 22, 2013
Just because you are around a person or place that is infected or contaminated doesn't mean you're automatically going to get sick, no matter what your vomit fears make you believe. You may still, however, want to check out the germiest hotspots at home, work or play in part two of our germ and virus guide.
The Emetophobics Guide to the Truth About Germs and Viruses, Part One of Two
Posted on February 19, 2013
Emetophobia may make you despise and fear germs across the board, although not all can cause you harm. Check out more info in our two-part Emetophobics Guide to the Truth About Germs and Viruses and clear up some myths, mistakes and misconceptions many have surrounding germs.
The Emetophobics Guide to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Posted on February 14, 2013
You may have heard of cognitive behavioral therapy or even heard it recommended for emetophobia. But you still may be unclear on what it is. This guide can help clue you in, giving you a rundown on what it is, how it works and what to expect if you decide to go for it.
3 Fun Tips for Avoiding This Year’s Flu and Related Vomit Phobia
Posted on February 8, 2013
You already know the tried and true flu prevention methods, that double as a way to keep your emetophobia at bay. But there are three other really fun ways to boost your immunity and decrease your chances of getting sick this winter.
Want to Wake Up One Day without Vomit Fears?
Posted on February 6, 2013
You already know the conventional therapy for emetohpobia that involves reliving a traumatic event. What if scientists told you they were on to a mode of treatment that instead helped alleviate vomit fears while you were asleep? We're jumping for joy, too. Check it out!