Anxiety Common in Those With Arthritis

Could living with depression and anxiety increase your risk of developing arthritis? A new study conducted by the CDC reveals that this may be the case. The relationship may be due to tensing of the hands during anxious situations. Unfortunately, approximately half of the individuals with anxiety or depression symptoms in the study had not sought any help for their mental health conditions.

A Naturopathic Physician Shares Tips for Combating Anxiety

Would you like to find a few methods that can help lower your anxiety without the use of prescription medication? Although prescription drugs can be extremely helpful and are certainly necessary for some, their side effects can be serious. Read the expert opinion of a naturopath from the teaching clinic of Bastyr University, and see if some of his suggested methods feel right for you.

Homemade Crystallized Ginger for Emetophobia

Save money and increase health benefits by making your own crystallized ginger as a natural treatment for your emetophobia.

Emetophobia Video for Class Project

If you had the chance to inform a group of people about your phobia, what would you want them to know? Watch this video that a student made for a school project.

Facebook and Twitter Can Make Anxiety Worse

Social media sites have become such an integral part of the life of some individuals that they experience withdrawal symptoms when asked to abstain.

Anxiety, Depression, and Internet Usage

Could how your time is spent on the computer signal that you are anxious or depressed?

Yoga Posture to Help with Anxiety

Learn one simple yoga pose that is known to help with anxiety.

Using Positive Visualization

Visualizing yourself overcoming your fears during a stressful situation will help you feel more confident when facing your phobia head on.