A New Way to Treat Anxiety, Depression in Kids
Posted on July 21, 2012
Parents of a child who has emetophobia, anxiety, or depression may feel uncertain about what they should do to help. There are treatment options for children, but parents may not always know which one is best for their own child. A new treatment called EDTP may be the answer. EDTP is designed especially for kids and caters to their unique needs. Find out how EDTP works and how it can help children with depression and anxiety.
Psychotherapist Offers Tips for Beating OCD
Posted on July 21, 2012
Being treated for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and emetophobia can be extremely taxing. It isn't easy to ignore those overwhelming urges to count, check, or fix things over and over again. One therapist who specializes in treating OCD has some quick, helpful tips to make things easier on you. She explains where many people trying to overcome their OCD go wrong, and how you can avoid the same pitfalls. Learn some useful hints for getting treated that can help you regain control of your life.
Drinking Tea to Relieve Nausea and Anxiety
Posted on July 12, 2012
Drinking the right tea can provide you with innumerable health benefits, as well as provide some relief from anxiety and nausea (whether the nausea is anxiety related or not). Let this delicious addition to your routine provide you with a bit of comfort as you continue on your road to living free from the struggles of emetophobia.
18 Year Old With Late-Onset Emetophobia
Posted on July 12, 2012
Can subtle and gradual lifestyle changes someday turn into a full blown phobia? Emily didn't think so but after gradually altering her life to cope with her frequent stomach issues, she found herself living with emetophobia. Read about Emily's journey and her experiences that eventually led to this life-altering realization.
Anxiety: Is It Making You Age Faster?
Posted on July 12, 2012
You may have heard that high stress and anxiety can lead to health problems. But what exactly is it about stress that hurts your body? Where does the damage start? And why does long-term anxiety start to show on your face? Read more about the effects of sustained anxiety on your health.
Critics Challenge Evidence of ‘Facebook Depression’
Posted on July 12, 2012
Ever since social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook have become popular, mental health specialists have wondered about the effects of the sites on younger people. There have been scandals involving bullying, stalking, and more since the significant increase in Facebook membership. Worried parents have heard that their teens may be at risk for all kinds of psychological issues, but new research is countering these claims. Read more about it here!
Declining Mental Health in Older Adults
Posted on July 12, 2012
Your golden years should be filled with love, relaxation, and contentment. Psychiatrists are warning that this may not be the case. More and more older adults are being diagnosed with mental health problems. This is causing more substance abuse in the older population as well. Here's why specialists say older people may not be getting the help they need.
Introverted or Emetophobic?
Posted on July 12, 2012
What makes an emetophobic different from the classic introvert? Well, for one, most emetophobics do not behave the way that they do simply out of preference. Although someone with emetophobia may appear to have many similarities to an introvert, there is a deep underlying fear that prevents a person with severe emetophobia from participating in social events.