Former Senator Says She Has Depression, Panic Attacks
Posted on July 22, 2012
More and more people are coming forward to talk about their struggle with a mental health issue. For former Senator Mary Jo Fisher of Australia, the stress of panic attacks may have been too much. Read what Senator Fisher says about dealing with depression and anxiety and how they have affected her career.
The Importance of a Multivitamin for Emetophobics
Posted on July 22, 2012
If emetophobia keeps you from eating properly, it is a good idea to take a multivitamin to help fill in the gaps when it comes to your nutritional intake. High-quality, food-based multivitamins provide high levels of vitamin B (which is especially helpful for individuals who are prone to anxiety).
Anxiety and the Importance of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Posted on July 22, 2012
Increase the amount of serotonin in your brain by eating a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids! By simply eating more fish, or taking an omega-3 supplement, you are likely to experience some relief from your emetophobia symptoms. Read the following article, written by Dr. Barry Sears, to learn more!
Are Psychiatrists ‘Over-Diagnosing’ Anxiety Disorders?
Posted on July 22, 2012
Chances are that you know someone who has an anxiety disorder. Every year the number of people diagnosed with anxiety-related illness increases. Even celebrities have publicly admitted to suffering with anxiety or depression. This has brought much more awareness to mental illness and mental health in general. But some people are protesting the new trend of diagnosing anxiety. Find out what's being said about anxiety diagnosis and what may change in the future.
The Relation of Childhood Violence to Adult Mental Illness
Posted on July 22, 2012
Recently there have been a lot of books and articles for parents on how to discipline your children without being overly harsh. Unlike in the past, physical punishment is generally seen as unnecessary and excessive. Some methods used even twenty years ago are now seen as abusive. According to new research, even milder forms of physical discipline may have harmful psychological effects.
Former Soccer Star Suffers from Depression, Panic Attacks
Posted on July 22, 2012
If you feel overwhelmed by your own battle with depression or anxiety, it may help to know you aren't alone. It really is true that anyone can be affected by anxiety and depression. European soccer player Darren Eadie knows this better than anyone; he was on top of the world when everything came crashing down. Read about how the athlete says he fell into a long-term depression and how he says he finally worked through it.
Spider-Man’s Leading Lady Had Panic Attacks
Posted on July 22, 2012
You've probably seen the face of actress Emma Stone in numerous magazines and commercials. Stone is an accomplished celebrity known for starring in Easy A and in the new Spider-Man movie. But she wasn't always so confident and successful. Read about the Stone's history with an anxiety disorder and what she did to cope.
Friggatriskaidekaphobia: Phobia of Friday the 13th
Posted on July 22, 2012
Are you superstitious? Do you become paralyzed by fear every time that a Friday the 13th rolls around? If so, you are not alone. Fear of Friday the 13th is so common that it is estimated that businesses in the U.S. lose a total of over $800 million dollars when ever a Friday and the 13th of any given month coincide.