Sleeping May Have an Effect on Your Phobia

A phobia is an overwhelming and unreasonable fear of something. It can be officially diagnosed as a phobia by a mental health worker.

Fears of things like spiders, heights and snakes are fairly common, but a person with a phobia is fearful to an extreme degree.

Some people suffer from phobias that are relatively common. Emetophobia, for example, is a fear of vomiting or of vomit that can cause people to avoid many situations. Someone who has emetophobia may experience a lower quality of life because of the desire to avoid so many everyday situations that can lead to sickness. Being in a crowd, drinking alcohol, and being around children are just a few of the things people with emetophobia may shun in order to keep from being physically ill (or seeing someone else being ill).

People who have emtophobia may lack helpful, reliable resources because there is so little information on the condition which is readily available. They may also be unsure of how to broach the topic of their anxiety with a doctor or a friend, which makes it difficult for them to talk to others about how they feel.

It is important for people with emetophobia to realize that talking to a professional about their condition can be helpful and that there are treatment options available.

A recent study examined how sleep affects anxiety disorders like phobias and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is showing promising results for people who receive treatment during sleep. Read more about the sleep studies at the first link found below.

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