Dr. Oz Gives Advice on Treating Panic Attacks
Posted on July 22, 2012
Living with Emetophobia or any deep-seated fear can make you more likely to experience a panic attack. Anyone who has had a panic attack knows how disturbing it is. A panic attack can make you feel like you may be close to death. In reality, panic attacks only seem to be dangerous and are quite harmless. Two well-known doctors respond to a person who asks how best to deal with panic attacks.
Using Magnetic Stimulation to Treat Depression
Posted on July 22, 2012
Because emetophobia has such negative effects on quality of life, it can lead to depression. When considering treatment for depression, the idea of shock therapy can be scary. Medications may also seem like a risky option to some people, especially to emetophobics. But severe depression can resist various kinds of treatment, so overcoming it is made even more difficult. An interesting new treatment for depression, called rTMS, is gaining popularity. To learn information about rTMS, read more here.
Marijuana: Not the Cure-All It’s Claimed to Be
Posted on July 22, 2012
Advocates of making marijuana legal argue that the drug has a number of health benefits. You may have heard that it can be used to relieve anxiety, depression, and migraines. New research from the University of Arizona responds to these rumors. Find out what the results from the university are showing.
Video: Identifying Various Forms of Anxiety Disorders
Posted on July 22, 2012
If you have Emetophobia, you probably know that it's a type of anxiety disorder. But do you know how many kinds of anxiety disorders there are? The answer to this question and many more can be learned from watching a short video about anxiety disorders in America. Find out more about the basics of severe anxiety including its prevalence, its cause, its effects and more.
Drinking Tea to Relieve Nausea and Anxiety
Posted on July 12, 2012
Drinking the right tea can provide you with innumerable health benefits, as well as provide some relief from anxiety and nausea (whether the nausea is anxiety related or not). Let this delicious addition to your routine provide you with a bit of comfort as you continue on your road to living free from the struggles of emetophobia.
18 Year Old With Late-Onset Emetophobia
Posted on July 12, 2012
Can subtle and gradual lifestyle changes someday turn into a full blown phobia? Emily didn't think so but after gradually altering her life to cope with her frequent stomach issues, she found herself living with emetophobia. Read about Emily's journey and her experiences that eventually led to this life-altering realization.
Introverted or Emetophobic?
Posted on July 12, 2012
What makes an emetophobic different from the classic introvert? Well, for one, most emetophobics do not behave the way that they do simply out of preference. Although someone with emetophobia may appear to have many similarities to an introvert, there is a deep underlying fear that prevents a person with severe emetophobia from participating in social events.
One Woman with Emetophobia Looks at the Bright Side
Posted on July 12, 2012
Is there anything positive that has come out of your struggle with emetophobia? One woman takes a closer look at her life and determines a few things, that have happened as a result of her emetophobia, that she is thankful for. Examples include a cleaner house and improved personal hygiene.