One Woman with Emetophobia Looks at the Bright Side
Posted on July 12, 2012
Is there anything positive that has come out of your struggle with emetophobia? One woman takes a closer look at her life and determines a few things, that have happened as a result of her emetophobia, that she is thankful for. Examples include a cleaner house and improved personal hygiene.
Most Embarrassing Moments
Posted on July 12, 2012
If you are living with emetophobia, you have undoubtedly had your fair share (or more than your fair share) of embarrassing moments. If you in the mood for a good laugh and some lighthearted reading material, check out this collection of "most embarrassing moments" written by others who have emetophobia.
What Works for People with Panic Disorder?
Posted on July 10, 2012
Panic disorder can be frightening for people who have it and their loved ones. The anxiety caused by the disorder is extremely high; it can even make one reluctant to leave home. Panic attacks disrupt the normal functioning of life. What exactly is a panic attack? Can panic attacks be prevented? Read about the recommended methods for treating panic disorder.
Scientists Developing New Anti-Diabetic Treatment for Depression
Posted on July 10, 2012
People who take medication for depression are usually warned that it could increase their chance of developing diabetes. This information makes some depressed people reluctant to try antidepressants, even though they may really need them. They reason that there's no guarantee the drugs will even work for their depression, so why risk getting diabetes? Researchers have recently started testing a new chemical on mice to see the effects on symptoms of depression. Come read more about the findings of this novel treatment.
Gender Differences in Math-Related Anxiety
Posted on July 10, 2012
A long-established stereotype says that boys are better at math than girls. Unfortunately, it seems children may very well be aware of this myth. Girls know that they are not expected to be good at math and science. So how does this false belief affect them? Read more about it here!
Is There A Link between Depression and Obesity?
Posted on July 10, 2012
Depression and obesity are both very serious, life-altering conditions. They both have an effect on your mental and physical health. But how exactly do the two illnesses interact, and how does that interaction harm or help you? Read more about the relationship between two conditions that are becoming increasingly common.
Anxiety Common in Those With Arthritis
Posted on July 10, 2012
Could living with depression and anxiety increase your risk of developing arthritis? A new study conducted by the CDC reveals that this may be the case. The relationship may be due to tensing of the hands during anxious situations. Unfortunately, approximately half of the individuals with anxiety or depression symptoms in the study had not sought any help for their mental health conditions.
A Naturopathic Physician Shares Tips for Combating Anxiety
Posted on July 10, 2012
Would you like to find a few methods that can help lower your anxiety without the use of prescription medication? Although prescription drugs can be extremely helpful and are certainly necessary for some, their side effects can be serious. Read the expert opinion of a naturopath from the teaching clinic of Bastyr University, and see if some of his suggested methods feel right for you.