A Naturopathic Physician Shares Tips for Combating Anxiety

Would you like to find a few methods that can help lower your anxiety without the use of prescription medication? Although prescription drugs can be extremely helpful and are certainly necessary for some, their side effects can be serious. Read the expert opinion of a naturopath from the teaching clinic of Bastyr University, and see if some of his suggested methods feel right for you.

Treatment Centers Designed for Curing Phobias

If you suffer from an overlooked disorder like Emetophobia, you should know that there are others who share your struggle. Anxiety disorders can be extremely difficult to deal with on your own. You may even have convinced yourself there's nothing you can do to change. Luckily, this isn't at all true. There are treatment facilities that specialize in treating anxiety problems, including phobias and panic attacks. Read about how treatment from a specialist can change your life.

Anxiety: Is It In Your Genes?

Many people with anxiety disorders have a family member who also suffers some form of anxiety-related illness. The implications of this could point to heredity or simply to a shared environment as the cause of anxiety. Read about what researchers in psychology and in medicine have found in the genes of people who have anxiety disorders.

Is Social Phobia A Real Disorder?

Can someone actually be afraid of social situations? According to many researchers, yes! Read about social phobia here.

Homemade Crystallized Ginger for Emetophobia

Save money and increase health benefits by making your own crystallized ginger as a natural treatment for your emetophobia.

The Role of Imagination in Emetophobia

Emetophobia is usually made worse by vivid mental imagery. Learn how a person with Emetophobia is driven to panic.

Emetophobia Video for Class Project

If you had the chance to inform a group of people about your phobia, what would you want them to know? Watch this video that a student made for a school project.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Workplace

Everyone has had a bad day on the job, but it may be more serious than you think. Learn what experts are saying about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and work.